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Metatarsalgia Pain

Metatarsalgia is also known as pain at the ball of the foot, this is due to the soft tissue structures around the metatarsals (middle section of the foots) becomes inflamed and painful, this is usually caused by repetitive shock impact to your feet from activities such as running and jumping , however it can also be caused by having your footwear too tight or too loose furthermore some people who have a high foot arch are more likely to develop this condition due to different foot placement causing more strain.

Signs and symptoms

  • Sharp pain
  • Shooting pains
  • Numbness and tingling sensations
  • A specific feeling of having a stone in your shoe when walking/standing

causes pain in the following area(s)

Foot Pain


The foot is a complex collection of small joints. We wouldn’t be able to mobilise, balance, stand or complete any complex action without out feet. It allows stabilisation of our body weight whilst also being able to transfer kinetic energy…
