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Cervical Radiculopathy (trapped nerve) Pain

Cervical radiculopathy is also known as a trapped/pinched nerve. It is caused by a compression of the nerves within the spinal cord (between the vertebrae) between C1 to C7 all of which are vertebrae that run down long the spine specifically around the neck region. This tends to be caused when the nerve roots become inflamed or damage and cause a change in neurological function.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Muscles weakness
  • Difference in usual sensation
  • Tingling sensation in areas such as arms

Cervical Radiculopathy (trapped nerve)
causes pain in the following area(s)

Head Pain

Head and Neck

The joint between the head and the neck is known as the Craniovertebral Junction. This is a complex area of your body as it is where the brain transitions to your spinal cord that sends all of the messages from…
