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The shoulder is an important part of our upper limb as it allows us to grab items and be able to turn and to bring the object up and down, as well as placing them down with control and precision. As well as using it for heavy lifting in everyday life and sports it is crucial for daily upper body functioning, and we use it for everything from being able to eat and clean to being able to open doors and have access to all the tool required to live life on a day-to-day basis. As such the shoulder can become prone to suffer from damage.
Bicep tendinopathy refers to the Bicep tendon which connects from the shoulder to the elbow. it can be subjugated to wear and tear through overuse in sporting exercise such as weight training or carrying heavy equipment constantly whilst working manual…
Bursitis describes the inflammation and irritation of the bursa which is a small sac filled with fluid that cushions impact whilst moving as well as lubricating the join, allowing smooth movement of the joint. Ankle The Bursa’s in the ankle…
Frozen shoulder also known as adhesive capsulitis refers to the shoulder joint becoming stiff over time to the point where it loses a proportional amount of range in movement to then slowly recover and return to normal, this progresses over…
Joint Hypermobility is a genetic condition as which causes ligament laxity and as result causes the joints to be way more flexible than the typical joint range of motion. This extended range of motion can cause pain and weakness in…
Ligaments are soft tissues structures that connect bone to another bone and their role is to stabilise the joint structures. When they become damaged or injury, they often cause the joint to become unstable and weak, and this can occur…
Forearm The forearm is often used for everyday tasks and many types of sports and thus the muscles in the arms can be become strained as a result of overuse. For a wide range of reasons such as, overworking yourself…